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Vitality CBT & Counselling
making life easier
07932 128 312

Marcun Doran
Accredited Counsellor and CBT Therapist
If you are feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands, my services aim to introduce clarity, confidence and self-motivation, reduce anxiety and improve mood. I am trained to treat depression, anxiety, panic, social phobia, post traumatic stress, obsessive compulsive disorder, specific phobias, addictions, insomnia and relationship problems. I also teach techniques to better manage the emotional stresses of everyday life.

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Support That Makes a Difference

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Get the Most out of Your Life
CBT-i for Insomnia
Embrace Life's Challenges
Integrative Counselling
Guidance & Inspiration
Emotional Support: Service

"We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are"
Max Depree
Emotional Support: Quote
Emotional Support: Contact
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